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Your ProPhoto Version

ProPhoto Bar

Say hello to the most helpful tool in ProPhoto!

As you work on your website design in ProPhoto 6, use the ProPhoto Bar to locate and edit parts of your design. The arrow at the bottom-left of your site will expand the bar into view.

Here’s an overview video explaining the features, and below the video you will find a text explanation of the tool:

ProPhoto Bar Overview

Previewing designs

This bar also lets you know when you are privately previewing a different design than the live design your visitors see. The expanding arrow and design name are highlighted green, and a notice explains the situation:


green highlights indicate you are previewing a design privately

For more information about privately previewing designs, see our Create and Manage Designs page.

Tools in the ProPhoto Bar

Each of these tools will make it easier to customize your design templates – click to read about each one: